Thursday, March 30, 2006


The next caving Adventure

Okay, so I am getting psyched for Saturday. Beautiful weather in the 60°s, and I get to go caving down at Loyolahanna (Someday I will learn to spell that correctly!). Looks like about 2500 feet (so Doug tells me) of pristine caving passages. Supposed to be wet though. We'll see how the newly painted helmet holds up. Hmmmmm, I should re-water proot the seal skinz too while I am at it. Outtie!

Monday, March 27, 2006


Some New Swag for a Fabulous Caving Experience!

So, I decided that plain white was not the color for me for my caving helmet. I did teh works for this beast, and yes, I made sure to keep the "Hodag-proofness" in the helmet. Pics to be posted later. I may even post instructions on how I made my $6.92 hard hat from Lowes look like a real $3,549.94 caving helmet.

Awww Crap!!! So, I get home today from work and figure I will put the last coat of clear coat on the helmet right? Doh! Turns out, if you let clearcoat dry for two days, and then come back and put another coat on, it starts to wrinkle...Now my shiny helmet looks like a shiny prune...I guess I need to post a picture now.

Well, this is another cell picture, and it doesn't really do all my hard work any sort of justice, but this is what the beauty looks like. Who knows, I may even polish it friday night...get more of those water/mud shedding properties into it. Only time will tell...

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Casparis Upate-AKA: Fun in Connellsville, PA

So, here are some better pics of all of us. Here is the view from the upper entrance, which we never actually used. We kept all of out dry clothes up there for two reasons. (1) It was dry and there was a chance of rain in the afternoon, and (2) we didn't want the copius number of looters in the area making off with our dry socks and underwear. You'll note, this wilderness has a strange resemblence to that in the movie Wrong Turn!!!.

The cool thing about the drawing room is the drawings on the wall (well, duh!) This is a carving/painting of some horse and an indian head. I am not sure how "authentic" it is, but it looks neat. Does anybody out there know how authentic any of this stuff is. There were even a few "mud sculptures" on the wall.

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